the Dungeon Finder, available for everyone to see at any level. General Information Dungeon was never meant to be anything else then additional end game content, we felt there was no reason to add lower level dungeons for many reasons, one of them being to reward the players that reach the higher levels and as you can see this is one of the many dungeons we have in mind. This is a great way for us to introduce new content which requires some dungeons to be ran on the higher levels, for example you can see the "Egg of Many" can be rewarded by the boss in Banuta dungeon, which helps you in the normal banuta dungeon to have access to a shortcut. We also have options to add additionally items which would never be obtained in the game through the dungeon finder. A dungeon works the same way like anything else, the only difference is that all the gold you loot from the monsters are directly sent to bank, otherwise its normal creatures that have the normal drop tables, for example fighting a hydra inside the dungeon is the same like fighting a hydra like you would otherwise. Now what makes this dungeon system interesting is that everytime you finish a dungeon, you unlock a new difficulty for the same dungeon, which applies buffs to the monsters and bosses. Competitive Ladder The dungeon finder comes with a competitive ladder for runners which means that the time completition is saved globally for everyone if you are a solo runner or a group, it will be stored and shown to everyone under "Top Solo Runners" and "Top Group Runners". Which creates hopefully a fun layer to the dungeon finder in general, you can rune for time, loot or for fun in different ways. Challenges There will be different challenges and bonus objectives for players to compete inside the dungeon for bonus points. Queue times and Instance When a player or a group of players enters a dungeon, they are teleported to the dungeon instance which sets other players in queue. In time we will add more instances and maps of the same dungeon, if we see that it is needed, to decrease queue times that is. But this has been made like this to not choke the server with creating instances, also I kinda felt like a queue system was cool. You may not join a dungeon if you have PZ so make sure you're not hunting when in Queue or you might loose your placement. Leaving a dungeon On every floor there is a teleporter to leave the dungeon, you can also logout to exit the dungeon or also the third option which is death. We added a requirement that you need to have amulet of loss equipped, because if you die inside the dungeon as a solo-player then your corpse will be deleted and the dungeon instance will close, which means that if you dont wear an amulet of loss items will be lost forever. Now you can un-equip amulet of loss after entering but that is on your own risk. Monsters drop gold inside the dungeon, just like normal monsters outside. The difference here is that you don't have to pick it up. It is directly sent to your bank account, we tought this would be a nice addition for those that "run for best time". Other then that they drop items like normal monsters, which you have to decide to pick up if you want to or have capacity for. Well we can make dungeon raids for up to inifinite amount of players, for example expect some raid instances in the future which will require 20 players minimum where you will be fighting a huge boss with raid mechanics. Also higher level dungeons will be made available for higher levels. The potential of PvE content is endless.