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Total killed on Eternal

Top Hunters on Eternal

Name Killed
Faraonek 37940.4
Seu Jorge 36677
Winston Churchill 34398.86
Soulbastion 31454.49
Guadahouse 28746.63
Man Of Steel 28333.48
Minuteman 25977
Liquid Death 24440.37
Diosdado Cabellos 22202.62
Wat De Fak 22174.17
Dinho 19765.12
Wiaderkus 18173.01
Denver 16687.11
Apex Guardian 16353.62
Anonymousek 14298.56
Time Wizard 13551.37
Poggers 12628.3
Rickan 12490.63
Local Nudist 12162.06
Tipsybartender 11910.47
Fragmentado 11857.11
Deadroth 11570.67
Sratti 11454.24
Woody Starbringer 11446.9
Tytan 10973.18