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Grim Reaper

Total killed on Eternal

Top Hunters on Eternal

Name Killed
Chupakabraa 2646.63
Blind Rimz 2505.49
Revennant 1914.95
Krecik Archer 1844.99
Ashira 1150
Bruhh 1136.92
Wubba Lubba Dub-dub 1095.62
Cringe Paladin 1094.2
Azure 1018
Badbuddy 1009
Od'z 1006.92
Sten Phung 1004
Curaga 771
Crimman 645.61
Akruse 564.01
Herr Alex 550.5
Woycexd 550.4
Hest 503.99
Murder The Weak 500.66
Leo Gaut 500.49
Alb Nemesis 484.02
Pupik 360.49
Shelli 337.5
Sir Rimz A'lot 325.93
Mansured 309.01