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Top Hunters on Eternal

Name Killed
Koniuch 1666.24
Akruse 1629.93
Chupakabraa 1583.53
Ichiikux 1339.69
Im Gunna Crumb 1227.33
Denize 844.5
Shagy 803.5
Mohican 788.42
Bolio 727.6
Ale Ak 721.23
Mestmissbildad 671.12
American Idiot 661.79
Revolution 653
Storsnackarn 612
Indra 607.37
Leo Gaut 597
Tank For Hire 576.81
Khomha 575
Locazso 574.74
Pale Treia 563.84
Krohnic 558.5
Vito Genovese 553
Soldat 549.96
Greetings 544.5
Phoenix Of Nemesis 534.65