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Top Hunters on Eternal

Name Killed
Peor 1145
Bruhh 977.71
Chupakabraa 812.83
Ichiikux 614.06
Bodybuilder 437
Krajan 340.98
Kitto 276
I'vy 258
Doublehit 255
Gabu Fenrir 254.99
Zurgha 219.92
Curaga 202.98
Cringe Paladin 192
Holy Fury 177
Akakabuto 173
Kefura 167
Tidfortad 159.49
Dragunov 132
Kensjh 112
Dwarf Archer 109.5
Blind Rimz 106.37
Chuck Bass 105
Pixo 103.14
Alb Nemesis 102
David Batra 100